Thursday, November 30, 2006

Thanksgiving 06

Wouldn't you know it? I've got the flu.
I'm going back to bed *shiver*
But before I go!
Thanksgiving pics!
With Mercury wreaking so much havoc in retrograde this year, The McCathern/Thorndyke contingent couldn't decide whether they were being picked on, or just unlucky this turn of the spheres. Nonetheless, in true Diva fashion, they decided to ignore all the mayhem and zodiacal mumbo-jumbo and get together for for our annual Feast
And it was good.
--Diva Blue

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Halloween, Star Wars Style

. . . . . . . . . . (MOSES).. . . . . (JEREMY).. . . . . (JOANN). . . . . . (ASUNTA)
Well it all started out as a peaceful Halloween night. Time to send out the stormtroopers! Actually, Jeremy became a "Clone Trooper" for all you fanatics, and what is a clone trooper without Darth? Of course!!! I had another Clone Trooper and a witch (Moses and his twin... that's right TWIN sister JoAnn). We scoured the universe and found many fans and terrified rebel fighters among the group, but with the "talking" mask that Jeremy let me borrow, everyone believed in the real deal. Plus I took my Oh SO COOL light saber.


Monday Nov 6 (a day out of school at at the babysitters) Jeremy had a great time until... ker plunk!!!

Jeremy broke his arm – BADLY. He fell from the monkey bars on Monday afternoon. We went to DeWitt hospital Monday about an hour after the incident because that is how long it took me to get home and I wasn’t sure how bad it was. Well it was BAD.

He had both bones in his forearm broken completely in half, compound fractures with one of them protruding out of the skin so there is a risk of infection, etc. He is okay, drugged up and happy to be home. He had emergency surgery Monday night and we got home last night around 11pm. So Jerry is letting me work from home today. Jeremy is fine, just upset because it messes up a lot of his plans. My friend Lynn has offered to be with him tomorrow so I will be back in the office for a day this week and then again not until Next Thursday.

He had a splint and a lot of bandages because the wounds must heal before he could get a cast. He also has two rods one in each bone from the wrist to the elbow and they are sticking out of his skin so hopefully nothing will happen before he gets a cast!!!

But hey... worse thing could happen!!
We love you guys a lot!!

The McCathern's have had a wild ride.

Next was a horrible weekend. November 4

I decided to dance with the devil.. not really, I fell down the stairs poor Jeremy had to call 911. I fell down the stairs (butt first thank God) and caught myself at the bottom of the stairs. I went, “ouch…. That hurt”, then I proceeded to let the dogs out. I walked back to the bathroom and my legs went out from under me. Guess I was in shock or something. Anyway, I had to go to the bathroom and I felt nauseated. I sat down that is all I remember.

I passed out. I don’t know why. (that is what truly scares me)

I woke up 45 minutes or so later. I only know that because it was 6:15 when I went downstairs and Jeremy called Ms. Rose (next door neighbor) it was 7:35. When I woke up I was face first on the floor with my butt in the air, feeling like I was in a pool of sweat. Everything buzzed. I guess I passed out just as I was sitting down and because it was in the powder room (just a toilet and sink) there was no room for me to be flat.

I was SO sick to my stomach. I couldn’t roll over because every time I tried to move I felt like the room was spinning out of control. I never want to feel like that again. I made it on to my side and my back hurt badly around my shoulder blades, probably from the way I passed out. Anyway, I called upstairs for Jeremy twice and he came down to find me on the floor and I told him to call 911.

He did and handed me the phone. I told the 911 operator what happened and by then I got even more scared, because I felt I should be able to move but couldn’t so I started crying and Jeremy was SO brave and so mature – he really took good care of me. Every time I opened my eyes, I felt like I was on the spin cycle of the washing machine. It was awful. So he took off my old underwear and put on new ones and called Ms. Rose to come over and the ambulance came in about 5 minutes.

The paramedics didn’t want me to move even though I wanted to because they were afraid that I might have hurt my back or broken something like my neck. So, they put a back board on and it was VERY uncomfortable. And when they turned me towards my back, I had the worst dry heaves I ever had in my life. I had to vomit so bad and nothing (because it was first thing in the morning) would come up. Some bile now and then, but mostly it was the awful sound of violent wretching. I know Jeremy was worried. Rose told me that he went upstairs and kept putting his fingers in his ears. He was crying and I asked him later what happened and he told me that he had to drown out the noise because he couldn’t take me being in pain. (I wasn’t in too much pain at the time; I think I was in shock). A fire truck also came to the rescue, so I am sure the neighbors will be wondering what happened. It took three big guys to try to get a stretcher on me so my back and neck were stable. I was also given a neck brace, so I am sure if anyone was outside, they wondered, what the heck is going on?

So, I was put on a stretcher and wheeled out to the ambulance and whisked away to Potomac Hospital about 10 minutes from my house. Jeremy told Ms. Rose, he had to go with me and she told him that I would be alright. So he stayed behind, with Ms. Rose. I kept trying to vomit the whole ride there and it was so weird. Since I was diabetic they took my glucose, but it wasn’t horrible, it was 248, and I have had it higher than that before, so I didn’t think it was because of my diabetes, but I didn’t know.

I was scared and worried about Jeremy. I didn’t even know if he was coming or not. I am not sure who called Lynn. I remember telling the Paramedics to call her so I guess it was them. When Lynn came over she told Jeremy to get his soccer gear and they would go to the soccer game to get his mind off of his mom. It worked a little bit for him. Then they took him to their house so he could play with Mr. Rich, and they watched Austin Powers while I was at the hospital. They called Mom, and Carole and Bob. Carole was coming that morning anyway because we were going to a concert last night. So she came over about 1pm.

I got x-rayed, EKGd cat scanned for my brain and who knows what else, because I sure don’t remember. I had a concussion I guess. I was so out of it, I don’t ever remember even seeing the Doctor. I remember a nurse or two and an administrative lady who were all really nice, but I don’t remember the diagnosis at all. I had an I-V and anti-nauseating medicine pumped into me. After a couple of hours I began to feel better, but I felt so weak, it was freaky. I was very tired. Luckily I had no broken bones and no bleeding in my head. The nurse that I remember told the paramedics who checked on me (which was really nice) that the vomiting was because I had head trauma and that was normal with a lot of patients. So that is why I think it was a concussion. I was released about noon and Rose got some clothes of mine and took me home (I was in just a t-shirt and underwear and they had to cut the T-shirt off of me) You can see my face was swollen in this pic but not badly bruised.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Halloween pics from Thorndyke House

So Halloween was a little wierd this year. Nonetheless, it's a major holiday at our house, so we rallied and did the best we could to make it a good experience for the kids.

Halloween Tuesday was a beautiful day. Because of all the craziness the weekend before, we weren't able to get any decorations done until the last minute. The Day found the kids and I scurrying around town in the afternoon, looking for the biggest pumpkins we could find...It was a quest, really.

I don't think we did too badly. Although Gareth was a little sceptical at first...

Vincent was facinated by all the different squash, gourds and pumpkins. His favorite were the big orange pumpkins. Gareth was more interested in a type called "ghost" pumpkins--they tend to be smaller, white and make a nice contrast to the more traditional type.
After going several places, we found Our Pumpkin and carted it home....

The adults put up decorations while the kids got their costumes on... And things started to get a little spooky!

I'd show you, but Blogger's stopped cooperating with my uploads. We'll have to post more later...TTFN!
--Diva Blue

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