Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Monday Nov 6 (a day out of school at at the babysitters) Jeremy had a great time until... ker plunk!!!

Jeremy broke his arm – BADLY. He fell from the monkey bars on Monday afternoon. We went to DeWitt hospital Monday about an hour after the incident because that is how long it took me to get home and I wasn’t sure how bad it was. Well it was BAD.

He had both bones in his forearm broken completely in half, compound fractures with one of them protruding out of the skin so there is a risk of infection, etc. He is okay, drugged up and happy to be home. He had emergency surgery Monday night and we got home last night around 11pm. So Jerry is letting me work from home today. Jeremy is fine, just upset because it messes up a lot of his plans. My friend Lynn has offered to be with him tomorrow so I will be back in the office for a day this week and then again not until Next Thursday.

He had a splint and a lot of bandages because the wounds must heal before he could get a cast. He also has two rods one in each bone from the wrist to the elbow and they are sticking out of his skin so hopefully nothing will happen before he gets a cast!!!

But hey... worse thing could happen!!
We love you guys a lot!!

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