Monday, November 20, 2006

Halloween pics from Thorndyke House

So Halloween was a little wierd this year. Nonetheless, it's a major holiday at our house, so we rallied and did the best we could to make it a good experience for the kids.

Halloween Tuesday was a beautiful day. Because of all the craziness the weekend before, we weren't able to get any decorations done until the last minute. The Day found the kids and I scurrying around town in the afternoon, looking for the biggest pumpkins we could find...It was a quest, really.

I don't think we did too badly. Although Gareth was a little sceptical at first...

Vincent was facinated by all the different squash, gourds and pumpkins. His favorite were the big orange pumpkins. Gareth was more interested in a type called "ghost" pumpkins--they tend to be smaller, white and make a nice contrast to the more traditional type.
After going several places, we found Our Pumpkin and carted it home....

The adults put up decorations while the kids got their costumes on... And things started to get a little spooky!

I'd show you, but Blogger's stopped cooperating with my uploads. We'll have to post more later...TTFN!
--Diva Blue

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