Friday, August 20, 2010

Pics from 2009

Some more pics... seems like since FB came around, I don't have a lot saved on my CPU anymore. lets see what we can do :)

Once I put all this on paper, we are just all over the place.

We got to see Grandpa Jim and Gran-mama Huguette in 2008.. that was really nice, in Vermont! Jeremy still talks about the french toast and sausage from his great great Aunt Camille. Just loved them!


We went to Disney (of course)

We visited Nonni and Granpa John in SC so we also got to see my sister

Jer and I did a marathon and spend the week in VA beach..

We went to Diva Blues several times in C'Ville.

Not a bad year for travel, but I think I need a vacation already!!

our adventures since last sign in

I know I never get on this thing anymore, and I will try to do better because at least Mom can see this without all the commentary.. I will try to keep this post upbeat and add some pics like we used to do.

In KY now... as you can see by DivaBlue, we have moved. It was a long 4 months before the guys got here, but we managed. Have a new house, new job, but not a lot of new friends yet. Work keeps me extremely busy. Jer is now a high school student. He just lost his friends over the summer due to the move, but they are not really lost, but the girlfriend is no longer a girlfriend and I know that has got to hurt. He won't admit it though. Tough guy.

The new adventure for me is getting to go with Diva Blue and our friends to Disney in February next year. 1/2 Marathon is the goal. Training hard for it, but I am getting old!!!! AAAAHHH, not going to let that stop me. My Aunt and Cousin will also be joining us. YAY. So will Nicole, LeAnn and Sheri, my long lost friend.. we used to talk all the time, now.. not so much. It will be nice to see them again.

Here are some pics for you to enjoy... some of my fav's.

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