Sunday, August 20, 2006

Visiting Montana and Yellowstone

Wow....what a week. Just got done going to a conference about the National Security Personnel System in Palm Springs (very hot in August... whew..... normally around 108, but one day was 115.

I was fortunate because I also got to go on vacation right after that, and since I was already on that side of the country, I was much closer to Bob at that point. We planned it so Jeremy could spend the week while I was at the conference with his dad and it turned out SO good! The boys bonded again and Jeremy had a great week, just chillin' with his dad and also went to get his very first Military Dependent ID card!! (Growing up too fast).

We went to several places, the first is the Lady of the Rockies where Mary overlooks Butte from the very top of the mountain range surrounding Butte.

The second was of course the Museum of the Rockies.... Dinosaurs, need you ask???? Jeremy was very impressed as Montana has a lot of T-Rex bones and the museum hold one of the oldest dinosaur finds. If you ever watch the show, it comes on the Discovery Channel from time to time. Turns out the T-Rex is a scavenger, not a hunter as told in older books. The way its bone structure is and the evidence now found, it supports the newer theory. Blows my mind, but I can see it once I watched the film.

Finally we spent 3 days at Yellowstone National Park,
Yellowstone Posted by Picasa
which is in Montana, Idaho, and mostly in Wyoming. What a different place!! Amazing, is all I can say. I was scared of going down the mountains, but otherwise, I was just in awe. We stayed in a rented camper and got to go camping without being in a cold tent. The heater did come on and it was set as low as 61 so I am glad I didn't have to bundle up in a sleeping bag on the hard ground. We saw several wildlife up close, but not TOO close..but sadly for Jeremy, no Grizzlys (I was secretly glad) and no Moose. Maybe next time. We did see
Bull Deer Posted by Picasa
Yellowstone Posted by Picasa

Buffalo (American Bison) Posted by Picasa

Coyote Posted by Picasa
Wolf (too far away to take a picture sorry),

Prong horns Posted by Picasa
(like antelope, but really the fastest creatures in North fast as the Cheetah),
and I am certain I saw a bob cat, but the picture didn't come out because he jumped too all I got was the long grass.
Jeremy (Pic by Dad) Posted by Picasa
Jeremy earned a Junior Ranger badge while he was there and we also saw the Yellowstone Grand Canyon and Earthquake lake to name a few.... however, I don't want to take up all the Blog space, so that is all I will post. We took over 300 pictures when we were there!!! I am glad I am home though. Here are the last three! Enjoy

Jeremy - Junior ranger Posted by Picasa

Yellowstone Grand Canyon Posted by Picasa

Earthquake Lake Posted by Picasa

oh wow!!!!
Cool cool cool!!!
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