Monday, July 03, 2006

It occurs to me I haven't been posting about the weight thingy lately

Admittedly, I haven't been thinking that much about it for the past 3 months either. Consequently, while I may not be storing any fat, I'm not really losing any weight or gaining muscle--all I've been doing is maintaining.
So I'm (sadly) not finished yet. In short, I need to get into a size 10, and I'm currently wearing size 16 1/2. I'm hoping I won't also need a tummy tuck.
Still. It used to be a whole lot worse. That's not a bad picture, is it? I still remember when I hid from cameras. Here's a picture from three years ago. THIS is what long-term stress and misery does to you:
By Vincent's first birthday I was wearing size 28. I didn't start out looking like this. I wasn't skinny, but I looked pretty good--heck, the year before I got pregnant I'd lost 75lbs. and was wearing size 18.
Moving from Wisconsin (where I walked everywhere) to DC (where you have to drive to get anywhere) did not turn out to be a good thing for me. Neither was being pregnant. That was a really, really really really really stressful, unhappy time, and it totally shows. Two years later, here's what a strict diet of stress, not eating, coffee and cigarettes netted:

I'd given up on a lot of things that were important to me and was just living for the kids. Y' don't really appreciate that as much as one would think. Anyway. As of Gareth's 10th birthday, I weighed 268lbs. and had trouble walking. Not good.

I must pause to give props here: If not for my Fabulous Divas (Karaoke and Big M) and some really excellent counselling, I'd be just another overwhelmed loser. They helped me until I was strong enough to be on my own, they've been there for me and the kids.

As of June 1st, 2006, I weighed 202 (for like, a day).

This was taken roughly a month before the deadline, at Mom's Wedding.
To sum up:
Net weight loss is roughly 66lbs for the year.
I'm maintaining at a steady 208-210lbs.
I've lost about 25% of my total body weight.
Meaning, I need to lose another 40lbs of fat (or something like. The math get complicated). Currently, my bodyfat's like, 35% of my total body mass (I want to get it down between 10-15%, max).
Props to my Gorgeous Canadian Fitness God (who seriously needs to write me) for giving me really practical tools to work with. Mike turned me back on to body building, mentored me through the first 6 months while I learned what I needed to know about food, excercise, and what it does to your body, and never let me forget that while it's great to look good, it's what's going on upstairs that makes you sexy. (Note: he was dead sexy before I ever knew what he looked like, but man...he's H-O-T now that he's gotten all buff. Who could argue? I knew he was right.)So sure. I've been doing the work, but they've supported this quest. They're the ones who made sure I never fell so far down I couldn't get back up.
Props too, to you all, for writing and telling me you see improvement. I need, need need that feedback.
So there you have it, folks. This is me, after a year of deadicated work on my body.

Lemme know what you think!

Comments:'s all in the angles!
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