Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Today, was a beautiful day. We went out to play and realized that our neighbors (who don't speak english) mistook our loan of Vincent's old tricycle as a gift.

Which is fine with me, really. It's almost too small for Vincent (he's had it since he was two) and they have a they have a little granddaughter who's just the right size for it.

Vincent didn't take it so well, so I checked my funds and decided a trip to Toys R Us was in order. They usually have sales this time of year.

I really didn't want to buy a another tricycle, and a bicycle seems inappropriate for a four-year old. Bikes are problematic in our neighborhood anyway--the hills here are steep and run both ways, we live on a blind curve, traffic zooms through here like it's the freeway, there aren't any sidewalks, etc. Gareth never did end up learning how to ride his bike, the combination of danger and difficult terrain was just too much for him.

Consequently, I decided it might be best to see what else was available. After some consideration, the boys hit upon what seems to be an excellent solution: scooters.

They're inexpensive, easy to learn, Gareth already has one (so they can play together), and best of all, I heard they were selling a package deal this month--toddler sized scooter, helmet and pads for the low, low price of $30. I could kill two birds with one stone!
So, off to the toy store we went. First, we stopped for dinner at some buffet place (interestingly, the front half was covered by police tape and manned by a team of uniformed hunks--seems someone had gone left just half an hour before we arrived. We tried to get details, but of course, no one was talking, so I'm going to have to wait for the evening news...).
Dinner was good. Gareth was very pleased with himself for practicing portion control, Vincent was jazzed he got to pick his own food (grapes, fried chicken, corn on the cob). With tons of choices, I somehow ended up getting salad as usual (I'm so boring, lately).

In the toy store, Vincent rode every single bike he could reach the pedals on, Gareth wandered the store, practicing calling me on his new cell phone. I had my camera with me, so we took lots of pics, took turns filming each other and generally had fun being together. Once we got home, we put the scooter together, slapped the protective gear on Vince, and went outside so they could play for a bit....

We had a good day.

The Following Day:
This is what I woke up to this morning...

Look Mom, I'm Rock n' Roll!

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