Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The V-Man Turns Four

Yesterday was Vincent's birthday, but he was sick. Today he was feeling much better, so we celebrated Vincent's Birthday today! It wasn't huge, but we had fun.

The big event of the day was a trip to Toys R Us. The boys checked out each (and I mean each and every) toy in the store. After much deliberation, Gareth settled on a cute little chinese dragon car for Vincent's train set (He's slowly collecting the Thomas the Train Engine set) I got him the big yellow ball he's been wanting forever and Vincent settled on a cool set of real Tonka earth-moving trucks as his present from Daddy (who was kind enough to send me the money, since he was stumped).

When we got home, the boys had a birthday dinner, chosen by Vincent: Hot dogs, grapes, juice (in batman cups), ice cream (chocolate) and cake (also chocolate, ditto the icing, decorated with balloons), served on spider-man plates. For party favors, they got these cool electric candy fan thingys that lit up.

I threw on some happy hi-de-ho music (Cab Calloway, Ella Fitzgerald, Nat King Cole, etc) and we all danced a bit before the kids settled down to play with the toys. Gareth is a particular fan of the songs "Puttin' On The Ritz" and "Hi-De-Ho Man" while Vincent leans more toward "Jitterbug" and "Too Darn Hot". They both liked "Is You Is Or Is You Ain't My Baby?" which is something I sing to them when I get a chance.

I had fun with "Are You All Reet?" and did my best Peggy Lee impression singing "Alright, Ok, You Win" (which amused the boys, I'm sure). I'm afraid I'm the only one who really got into "Papa Loves Mambo".
We finished up with Louis Armstrong's version of "All That Meat And No Potatoes" It's a great song and this is a particularly good version, featuring great ensemble work as well as some nice solos. Gareth said he could have done without the saxaphone, but he got into the trombone solo (especially after I told him I used to play). Vincent wasn't that picky, he was too busy imitating the drummer.
All in all, it was a successful birthday celebration. Whew! That's a relief!

Happy 4th, Vincent!

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