Friday, March 10, 2006

The Queens of Rock Step Out With Two Handsome Lads

Sunta covered this quite adequately below, but just to add in:

Queen rocked! They held the concert at the MCI center, in downtown DC. We dropped wee V-man off at the lovely Miss Lynn's house, got gussied up in a reasonable imitation of concert gear (concert T and jeans for Sunta, basic black short skirt and go-go boots for me. Gareth's comment? "I don't know about this, you don't look like a mom any more"). I guess we looked pretty good!

After a quick dinner and an exciting Metro ride downtown, we found ourselves negotiating the MCI center. My friend Joe and his wife were there, right across from us on the opposite side of the stadium. We text-messaged back and forth (that was a comedy. We tried sending pictures but the distance was too great, I don't think we actually got any) until the concert began.
The lights went down, the music rose, the crowd whistled and howled! Showtime!

The boys were nervous when the crowd started making noise (let's face it, a huge stadium concert is a little overwhelming the first time, and these two are only 9 and 10) and they didn't know the music, so I was a little worried they wouldn't get into it, at first.
Jeremy did shut down pretty quickly and went to sleep (too loud, he said) but after an hour of adjusting and watching his mom and aunt ROCK OUT to the music (which must have been an amazing sight for him, since I rarely dance) Gareth loosened up, got into the spirit of the concert and started dancing and whooping along with the rest of us (I was so glad to see that, he's a lot more self-concious than his brothers are). We did rouse Jeremy long enough to hear "We Will Rock You/We Are The Champions" which is what he wanted to come for in the first place. Today, they've reported they had a good time, but they're both obviously tired. *laughs* Yeah, well, so are we. But it was worth it!

This is one of those bands that have been around so long that all they really have to do is stand there and play on some songs and the audience just rocks on without them. The best example of this was Bohemian Rhapsody. Wisely, Paul Rogers didn't try to sing it (or any of the really "Freddie" numbers). Instead, they just put Himself up on the screen and we all sang away like he was still with us. A dream realized! Sunta and I have always wanted to do that, since we were 9 and 10.

The concert was about 60/40 Queen hits and stuff from Paul's days in Bad Company and Free. All great songs. The audience had a blast. Many of the signature Queen songs were either sung by...err...whoever the lead guitarist is, or turned into instrumentals.
The most amazing thing I saw that evening was one particularly sentimental ballad (These Are The Days Of Our Lives?) toward the end. Usually, the norm is lighters, but this time, the whole stadium held up their lit up cell phones. It was very cool!

The whole experience was cool. I'm so glad we had the chance to go!

Carol Channing????
Oh David, it was much better than that! Think the guy from Train and you'd be a lot closer.

In the end, the band isn't "Queen" or "Bad Company" but some third thing. It was something like a tribute concert to both bands. Still good though.
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