Tuesday, March 07, 2006
fun with webcams
I figured out how to capture pics with the webcam! This is me and Vince, as of 3 seconds ago.
I'm still trying to figure out how to capture pics from other people's cams...
Anyhow, check out the webcam pics:
c'est moi, le Diva Bleu d'Etoille
This is what my coffee pot looks like en tableau.
This is what it looks like during the day, from the webcam
and this is the lovely exposure you get at night. Tres vert!
In other news, today's Vincent's 4th birthday.
Unfortunately, he woke up sick, so we've put off doing anything special until tomorrow. He did get to see his dad online though--Tom set up a webcam too. We're trying this out as our solution to the Super-Crazy-REDICULOUSLY-Long-Distance problem. Today was the first try. A little slow and choppy, but not bad. Kinda wierd, and Tom needs a new microphone, but I think this will work.