Friday, January 20, 2006

Gaby's Body Project: January

Hi Folks.
I just got back from the gym.
I'm tired, I'm sore, my hair is wet and I'm not wearing any makeup.

This is as close to a smile as I can muster, in this state.

But believe me, I'm Reasonably Pleased. Current progress: Significantly more muscle, less fat. The deliniation grows more obvious each week. That brings it's own insecurities, but I'm confident I can work it out. Just have to keep at it.

I've put up a couple pics just so you can get a basic idea of what I generally look like, these days. Posted by Picasa

This is not a great pic. But I wanted to point out the startling, recent appearance of
c-o-l-l-a-r b-o-n-e-s

I seem to be thinning out from the top down. Really, fatburning is taking place all over, but it's in my face that I really notice the change.

Not really obvious in this pic, of course...

So we'll just get silly!

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And one more for the road...that's my baby...

Where's the full-body shot?
Keep waiting...


Greetings, pilgrims!

Here are a few pics from the past month. Some are from late Dec, Some are from January. They're in no particular order.

He's such a pretty boy...

who really likes his toys.... especially at Christmas!
Of course, so does his big brother...

Those two were taken Christmas morning. I think these next ones were taken the day after:

Once upon a time, the family was predominately female. Then all that changed. Now, we are overrun with crazy houligans of the male persuasion...
Left to right: Vincent, Tristan, Jeremy, Gareth
and this is only the half in Virginia. Oh yes, there are more of them in other parts of the U.S. We like to spread the joy!

I kind of like the fact that Amelia's observing from a careful distance...she's a smart girl, that one.
(it trips me out that I gave birth to both these guys).

Welp, that's it for now. Hope you enjoyed the show!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Disney Marathon

Believe it or not.... No actually I didn't run the Marathon, but Bob and Todd ran the 1/2 marathon and Jeremy ran the 5K (I speedwalked/jogged). Jeremy, as cool as he is ran it in 38 minutes... not bad for a 9 year old!!!! That is 3 miles folks!! It was literally freezing that morning but by noon, it was a nice cool 48 degrees....

We also got to see the Floridian part of our family!! here are some more pics

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Christmas Presents!!!

The family is opening presents today!!!

Monday, January 02, 2006

Decorating Cookies for Christmas 2005

The kids are decorating cookies... Santa and Rudolph decided a puppet show was needed to get them in the "spirit" of things... as you can see, they didn't need much help. The kids thought it was cool and The dogs were interested in the nice smells coming from the Tree.

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