Thursday, September 08, 2005

Sum Sum Summa-tahm...

Ok, so they're drinking cocoa. But it's a summer picture, really. Mom bravely took on the task of entertaining as many of her grandsons as she could get hold of this year. She took it in shifts: first, Gavin (who lives in the same town and can go home) and Vincent, the three-year olds. That gave her a little confidence so during the second half of the summer, she upped the ante and took on Gavin (of course) AND Gareth and Jeremy (the 9 year olds). Will she continue the trend next summer? Maybe take on all four of them for a month? I would love to see what would happen if she had Michael too (imagine: three 10-year olds, two 4-year olds). I won't even think about adding Tris and Antony in, since they're teenagers.

In other news:
Tristan's 19 now. That really feels strange to say.
There's probably more but I'm out of time *sigh*

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