Friday, May 27, 2005

I know the title's lame.

You're welcome to change it, if you can come up with something better. Anyway, Welcome!
Asunta and I came up with this idea while we were exchanging picture files tonight. I've tried such things before, but it's never quite worked out. Sure, I can sit and type into the ether and there's even a chance you might read this. That's not the point: I can (and do) type at myself on a regular basis. What I need is for the rest of you to participate.
It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just write a few lines, maybe upload a picture every once in a while.
So, here's my post:
It's nearly midnight. The kids are in bed, Tristan's upstairs sweating up a storm (he's sick) and Amelia (his girlfriend) is sitting in the living room, painting and watching TV (She's somehow able to paint these gorgeously detailed acrylics without spilling a drop. I was impressed with her work before, now I'm just in awe, watching her paint so neatly).

Neat is not really a family trait, I'm thinking. Certainly not with my guys. Mostly, it's the combination of too many people, too much junk and the two youngest. I'm really not complaining--I know it'll pass, eventually. Hope you enjoy the pics! I'll add more as I edit them.

Gareth Age 10 Posted by Hello
Here's my baby...At 5'1" 150lbs he's not so little now, is he?
I can't believe so much time has passed--in my head, he's still 5 years old. Gareth likes dragons, robots and Yugioh. He likes Classical and Celtic music (nothing else). And for some reason, he really gets into "Friends".

A is to laugh.. Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Vincent, trying to "cute" his way out of trouble. Posted by Hello
Vincent is Three. Vincent likes Teletubbies. Vincent REALLY likes having his picture taken. Vincent loves to dance to techno and swing blues. Vincent likes cars. Vincent likes to drive his matchbox cars through my poor houseplants. Vincent likes to stuff cars and pennies into my home theater equipment. He's taken out 2 VCRS, a DVD player, a digital camera, a cassette player, 2 mice, and a keyboard, since he's been born. He's also managed to break the handle off my refrigerator. Vincent is an adorable little....demon.

Tristan at The Station, May 2005 Posted by Hello
Tristan, Tristan, Tristan.....This time last year I was tearing my hair out. This year, I'm pretty darn proud of him. Tristan works full time at Panera (an upscale coffee-sandwich shop) and gigs as often as possible. This pic is from a recent show he did. Tristan really, really, really likes zombies and lizards. and Amelia. He thinks I'm kind of cool too.

Amelia Posted by Hello
Amelia is Tristan's girlfriend. She's an artist. A tiny artist. I think she's about the same height as Theresa. Her family is to Visual Arts what ours is to Music. She is incredibly good--I should live so long, that I even approach her level of brush mastery. She's an intensely practical person. I like her a lot.

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