Sunday, September 28, 2008

Where is everyone!

Okay, its been 10 months since we have done anything at all on this site.

I need a consensus...should we continue? I think we should! Anyway, I am going to catch you all up now.

I have discovered that I really love and hate cleaning my house. I have made a few new projects with photos. I need to get back into the video game as well as music.

Alas, I have the time, but not the motivation. My friend Sheri has talked me into going on another Disney Marathon quest. We will be doing a full marathon. Not sure if I am ready. I need to walk today to get motivated, but it is SO humid outside, I have no enthusiasm for the project. I didn't walk last week either so that makes me behind the training schedule. I guess I will eventually catch up.

I also have a new myspace.. I will have to figure out how Diva Blue has made this page so we can get it updated.

Also Worm has gotten a new computer and LOVES to get e-mails. His computer is newer than my clunker (which I love so much), but he is paying for it with his own money so he is a happy little boy. (OR Big Boy!) His 12th birthday party was a bust, but he still had a good time. We were going for a paintball quest, but one of the 2008 hurricanes came through and made us all wet so we went for laser quest instead.

Ah well. Add something will ya!!

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