Wednesday, October 18, 2006


I have pictures....

School pictures!!!

Vincenzo de Koala, Age 4

Carred ap Hedgehog, age 11

We've been rather busy of late. In June, L.Metal and I got engaged. Towards the end of August/beginning of September, The Lizard turned 20, The Hedgehog started Middle School and The Koala started pre-school. All through September, we've been recording and making music. And October, we've found out we'll be parents again.
B.Momma's happy, she'll get another shot at that girl-grandchild (I'm told Semper Fi lifted the curse he laid down years ago). Will she win the lottery? We'll know in a few weeks....stay tuned, and set your calendars for mid-late June.

Forget about June. I miscarried yesterday around noon. I was only about 7 weeks along so I'm basically ok: just very weak, tired and rather depressed.
I'm home now--the doctors have sent me to bed for a few days. We hadn't told the kids about the baby yet so they're fine--All they know is mommy's sick but she'll be better soon. Lord Metal's been absolutely wonderful through all this.

This isn't quite how we'd intended to spend Halloween, but....ah well, it happens. We'll be ok.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Ack! Time flies...

And I really have no time to update. I'm so sorry, things have been crazy here.

But hey, I wanted to tell you all....Lord Metal and Diva Blue were featured performers on a radio show tonight. If you want to hear what they played, go to our myspace site

We're trying to get Diva Karaoke in the act too, it's just more difficult given the distances involved.

I gotta get to bed. More later!
--Diva Blue

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