Monday, February 13, 2006

Snow in Virginia!!!

Finally, some winter snow!!! We got almost 9 inches and it was on a weekend, so that was a good change...didn't miss any work, but Jeremy ended up with a snow day on Monday. Luckily we didn't have the blizzard that NY and Boston had!! PHEW!!!!
Enjoy some pics!!

Saturday, February 04, 2006

This is me! Think it's accurate? LOL

Ok folks, take the test, get back to me with your results!
--Diva Blue

Carefree and easy-going, Air elements come and

go as they please. A free spirit perfectly

describes Airs, who usually go with the

flow...they take each turn through lifes

journey in stride. Their love of art shows

an appreciation of creative expression. Airs

usually show little stress or tension, due to

a happy-go-lucky attitude. This, however,

masks a dangerous force. While very hard to

anger, when Airs are provoked, they can be

extremely temperamental and malevolent.

Unlike Fires, however, Airs tend to calm down

quickly. Airs handle change and anxiety best

out of all elements.


Airs have a very receptive disposition. A

like-minded Water or Lightning will

appreciate an Air. Fires will also be good

partners; however, work on part of the Air is

needed to keep the relationship interesting.

Earths will also enjoy a Air, a good case of

opposite attraction. Plants will appreciate

a Air that can understand them. Two Airs

will prove to have a strong bond. Ices and

Metals will be the hardest to cultivate bonds

with. Airs usually feel stifled around Ices,

and Metals will want a more rational partner.

Effort will be needed from both parties if

either of these relationships are to work.


Airs have a good chance of finding happiness, since

their joy usually doesnt come from material

wants. Love shouldnt be difficult either,

since Airs have a high level of compatibility

with other elements. Airs arent known for

fortune however; their disposition detracts

from the traits needed to gain wealth.

What is your Element? Compatibility, Outlook, plus more!
brought to you by Quizilla

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