Sunday, July 31, 2005


Jeremy takes a shot of the navigator and co-pilot. LOOK OUT FOR ICEBURGS!!!! Posted by Picasa

Jeremy, worried about losing his new transition lenses glasses.... and well he should be!! He was so great on this trip. We had just passed some rapids at this point and got our first kiss of white water. Posted by Picasa

Of course we were not .............alone.... Posted by Picasa

Here we are.... White Water Rafting on July 29th in the Poconos Mountains, PA. Jeremy and Mom are much better at rowing than I am. I fell out of the raft two times!! Bumpy and exciting... we like it that way!! whoooooo hooo!!! We will have to do this again! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Gaby's Fabuloso weight loss extravaganza! Before and After, Overview: The Tale So Far...

I decided it was time for a different "before" picture. This is from Mid-May, Gareth's birthday. Just before I started this diet thing... Posted by Picasa

Mid June, at the airport with Gareth. Week uh...Three-ish Posted by Picasa

Mid-July, end of week six. Yes, I do know how to smile, even when I'm tired. So there. Posted by Picasa

Bonjour! I am studying french, mes aimes! Ooh la la!
No, really, I am studying french. It distracts me from the fact that I seem to have hit a plateau in my weight loss. I haven't stopped working out--I'm afraid to stop for fear of going...*shudder* backwards--but I have been furiously going over my routine, asking lots of questions, trying to figure out what to do. Because I promised to upload on a regular basis, I give you the latest: This is me, week nine. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Vincent and Gareth, July 05.  Posted by Picasa

Weight update: Week Seven. This is for those of you complaining I never smile. It can happen... Posted by Picasa

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Ok, update time. Here's me, Beginning of June. Posted by Picasa

And here I am today. Total loss for June: 20lbs.  Posted by Picasa

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